Sunday, January 10, 2016

// The Converse Is Also Acceptable //

It's that slightly painful time of year when every piece of social media is overflowing with 'New Year's Resolution' mush. I usually don't bother with said mush because let's face it, what's changed between December 31st and January 1st? Not to mention, it's extremely disheartening to say 'this year I'll really do it' and fail. Again. So apart from some vague 'I'll eat more healthily' ideas, there's not all that much to do. But during a recent emotional low I decided to think long and hard about what was making me miserable, and what I could do to stop it. Everyday things came up like shouting at Boy, not studying enough outside college, rubbish health and fitness. So I wrote a list of New Year's Resolutions. Whoopie-doo. Looking at it reminded me just how many areas of my life I wanted to improve... and how harsh I was being on myself. It was then that I had an epiphany.

The converse is also acceptable. Sometimes the complete opposite is just as good.

What I'm trying to stress is that we set all these self-improvement goals and in doing so demonize things that aren't such a big deal. So, I reassessed my list and came up with this:

1. Spend more quality time with Boy // Encourage independent play

2. Be more loving, understanding and accepting // Don't put up with people's shit.

3. Walk as much as possible // Don't be a martyr - take the sodding bus.

4. Eat more healthy stuff, like, vegetables // Eat what you want - and enjoy it.

5. Drink more water // Try more wines

6. Get up early every day // Be more forgiving with yourself. Some days, you're just too tired.

7. Keep the house tidy // Call if free-range, organic parenting??

8. Study in my free time // Read a book purely for enjoyment

9. Stop comparing my life to other's // Use envy as inspiration

10. Budget better // Okay, perhaps there isn't an opposite to that... Treat yo'self?

What have you vowed to change in the New Year? Could you alter your perspective?

Heather xx