Saturday, December 12, 2015

My First Post

Good morning all,

Barely scraping this post into the 'morning' part of today (Boy and I are still in our pjamas) but hey, it's a while since we've done this. 'This' being lazed around on a Saturday. And 'a while' being since... last Saturday.

So, here it is: the blog I have contemplated starting since Boy was born (Boy is not his name but I'm not sure how I feel about sharing it yet). Right now it has zero snazz, no readers and a distinct lack of direction. But that's okay, because I am writing for myself. I am writing to share my thoughts and feelings and see if anyone out there relates. I have a sneaking suspicious we're all more similar than we care to admit!

Here's a little about me and Boy:
I am 19, Boy is turning 4 next week. Do the math and yes, I had him reaaaalllly young. But I'm proud to say that I've jumped into motherhood like a fox on a trampoline (if you haven't seen this: get to Youtube. Now. You will thank me later). We live in a tiny but cosy flat in Essex, and I am a full time college student. I have an amazing partner who lives in London (I'll probably call him the Mr) and my family are the center of my life.

This blog will probably be a collection of my thoughts an experiences regarding motherhood, studying and anything else that tickles my fancy. While it will probably never reach global stardom, I really hope you enjoy reading.

Heather x

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